Dentistward Ho!
One Saturday not long ago, I went to the dentist to have my molar's filling repaired. There was I voluntarily going up those stairs, not in pain and yet risking it.
that tooth is due for a root canal transfer, that's what I've been telling my self the past two years.
checked myself in, filled my details on a card that the attendant gave and waited in the empty waiting room. On the TV that day was Lagaan, quite a movie I'd say, one of the only few Hindi movie that I have any intention to watch ever. I only watched the first few minutes of the montage and the attendant called me in.
she got me sitting on that chair, fiddled with the headrest to fit my height and prepared the tools. This was when the dentist came into the room already enmasked.
she had light brown eyes, this doctor and spoke with a cute Californian lilt to her Malay but not too much as to make it annoying. Maybe she studied overseas, or she might just be an ex-student of Kajang Convent School, a few of my friends that schooled there had the same way of speaking. I'd guess she's not yet thirty, because she called the early 30's attendant, "kakak", fresh out of college maybe.
she told me to open my mouth and I obliged. Told me to open it wider and I tried to accommodate her demand as far as I could, even bordering on uncomfortability. She inspected the insides of my oral orifice and asked whether it was the second molar on my right jaw. I nodded a bit. It's not nice to stare into a lady's eyes however attractive they were so I focused my attention on a crack on the overhead light, a fine sliver of a thing, could only be seen at an angle.
she then told the attendant to prepare the 'fat' drill bit and use a 'slow' speed. Hearing this information, I unconsciously feed it into the morbid imagination furnace and imagined a terry gilliam styled short animation, styled like the ones he did on Monty python.
I looked at my watch, 1405, without letting go of that sucker thing they put in your mouth to suck away excess saliva, that I was holding.
she then started drilling, for the longest time ever. This is where my thoughts goes back to the time I got this molar originally filled.
must have been an exposed nerve at that time, the dentist kept on pushing the filling mixture into every nook and cranny of that cavity. But that's all are memories, real two years ago and this is the present, the now.
the fact I felt no pain that Saturday could only mean either two things. One, that the dentist was a genius and/or very lucky, two, that the nerve ending died. I pray to The Most High the first supposition is the answer.
the dentist with the lovely eyes that was probably contacts then told me to spit and gargle. All manner of metal fillings, drilled away bits of who know what mixed with saliva went into the sink. Wiped my mouth with the provided tissue and thought now was the time for the actual filling to be done. Alas not. Another round of drilling ensued. My jaw was now starting to get tired maintaining this maw.
the drill turned off, another round of spit-gargle-wipe. She put something metallic and very shiny into my mouth, affixed it to the troubled tooth and slowly screwed it tight. A vice of some sort.
then, with the help of the assistant, she put that argent gunk into that gaping hole she made earlier.
this is when I felt something rub against my temple. Maybe not rub, probably brushed would be a better word. t'was the doctor's bosom.
she was there mending something close to my brain, and mind was shifting elsewhere.
when she finished, she unmasked herself, lowered the chair I was in and gave some advice. That I should seriously consider about going to the university hospital for my root canal transfer, for they would charge less than a practice, student doctors and all.
All that I could think about then was her eyes and her beautiful mellow face.
I stood, nod my head (a gentleman's nod) and left the room to settle my bill. She just smiled.
sitting on that couch, in the waiting room, watching what's left of Lagaan 50 minutes after it started. Hoping this movie is on bittorent. Stood when I heard the attendant behind the counter, paid my myr 70.00 and asked the receipt for claiming purposes. Walked slowly with all the bags I was carrying (a backpack full with clothes and a laptop bag) and slowly worked my way down the stairs a less worried man.
a nipple on my temple,
how easy and simple,
for my sanity to topple,
and bad thoughts to double.
haha! Damn...


The tooth got infected.
that tooth is due for a root canal transfer, that's what I've been telling my self the past two years.
checked myself in, filled my details on a card that the attendant gave and waited in the empty waiting room. On the TV that day was Lagaan, quite a movie I'd say, one of the only few Hindi movie that I have any intention to watch ever. I only watched the first few minutes of the montage and the attendant called me in.
she got me sitting on that chair, fiddled with the headrest to fit my height and prepared the tools. This was when the dentist came into the room already enmasked.
she had light brown eyes, this doctor and spoke with a cute Californian lilt to her Malay but not too much as to make it annoying. Maybe she studied overseas, or she might just be an ex-student of Kajang Convent School, a few of my friends that schooled there had the same way of speaking. I'd guess she's not yet thirty, because she called the early 30's attendant, "kakak", fresh out of college maybe.
she told me to open my mouth and I obliged. Told me to open it wider and I tried to accommodate her demand as far as I could, even bordering on uncomfortability. She inspected the insides of my oral orifice and asked whether it was the second molar on my right jaw. I nodded a bit. It's not nice to stare into a lady's eyes however attractive they were so I focused my attention on a crack on the overhead light, a fine sliver of a thing, could only be seen at an angle.
she then told the attendant to prepare the 'fat' drill bit and use a 'slow' speed. Hearing this information, I unconsciously feed it into the morbid imagination furnace and imagined a terry gilliam styled short animation, styled like the ones he did on Monty python.
I looked at my watch, 1405, without letting go of that sucker thing they put in your mouth to suck away excess saliva, that I was holding.
she then started drilling, for the longest time ever. This is where my thoughts goes back to the time I got this molar originally filled.
must have been an exposed nerve at that time, the dentist kept on pushing the filling mixture into every nook and cranny of that cavity. But that's all are memories, real two years ago and this is the present, the now.
the fact I felt no pain that Saturday could only mean either two things. One, that the dentist was a genius and/or very lucky, two, that the nerve ending died. I pray to The Most High the first supposition is the answer.
the dentist with the lovely eyes that was probably contacts then told me to spit and gargle. All manner of metal fillings, drilled away bits of who know what mixed with saliva went into the sink. Wiped my mouth with the provided tissue and thought now was the time for the actual filling to be done. Alas not. Another round of drilling ensued. My jaw was now starting to get tired maintaining this maw.
the drill turned off, another round of spit-gargle-wipe. She put something metallic and very shiny into my mouth, affixed it to the troubled tooth and slowly screwed it tight. A vice of some sort.
then, with the help of the assistant, she put that argent gunk into that gaping hole she made earlier.
this is when I felt something rub against my temple. Maybe not rub, probably brushed would be a better word. t'was the doctor's bosom.
she was there mending something close to my brain, and mind was shifting elsewhere.
when she finished, she unmasked herself, lowered the chair I was in and gave some advice. That I should seriously consider about going to the university hospital for my root canal transfer, for they would charge less than a practice, student doctors and all.
All that I could think about then was her eyes and her beautiful mellow face.
I stood, nod my head (a gentleman's nod) and left the room to settle my bill. She just smiled.
sitting on that couch, in the waiting room, watching what's left of Lagaan 50 minutes after it started. Hoping this movie is on bittorent. Stood when I heard the attendant behind the counter, paid my myr 70.00 and asked the receipt for claiming purposes. Walked slowly with all the bags I was carrying (a backpack full with clothes and a laptop bag) and slowly worked my way down the stairs a less worried man.
a nipple on my temple,
how easy and simple,
for my sanity to topple,
and bad thoughts to double.
haha! Damn...


The tooth got infected.
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