
My Ramadhan So Far

Yesterday I broke fast in a bus heading to Kajang on the PLUS highway. I had two thin apam balik(Crepé? itwas thin and crispy), at RM0.50 per apam balik it was expensive. No water at all. I wonder what the man put in the apam balik, I was sleppy after eating it. There were two other people breaking fast on the bus(as far as I know).

Great, just great. On the first day, I had iftar in a restaurant near Central Market. Curses on the waiter. I ordered fried mee and Nescafé, he got the drink right but he got me fried mee with chicken. It was nearing time and the restaurant was super busy so I ate with a shrug and in the background of my mind, some mental math figuring how am I going to get home with the balance. Alone in a crowd, pennyless and with a flu.

At least I got the chance to iftar with the family on the weekend.


Thoughts Risen After Watching Puteri Gunung Ledang

This is a picture of me taken by a friend after watching Puteri Gunung Ledang. I would say the movie was good, that picture shows me in PGMS (post good movie stupor).

Some say that a scene from the film showing an army from Demak cladded in arabic styled clothing pilaging a Javanese village as inappropriate. They say as if it was supporting the notion that muslims are people bent on pilaging and killing.

I however prefer to take the viewpoint that the film was really showing the dangers of people using religion as an excuse for whatever evils they are doing. A metaphore of what happening all over the world, using whatever religion.

Religion, in my humble opinion, should be used as a tool for decision making. One may do something because of his religion, but anything done is done by the person himself. If anything evil was done, religion shouldn't be an excuse. It is never an excuse.


A Microsoft Certified Professional, Doubly So.

I am certified as an MCP. Doubly so.

So happy.


On The End Of The World

I believe that this world will end, just like the things that inhabit it would die, break or no longer be the same as it was. I believe in the transitory state, a state whick none ever stay the way it was.
Even atoms degenerate.
To fret whether the world will end or not is pointless, it's going to end anyway. To fret on the end of the world is like to fret the end of one's life. It's going to come whether we try to stop it or not.
Like shouting to everyone that tomorrow will come.
The end of the world to me is like tomorrow undefined. You don't when it's coming, but you know it will. Try to stop it, and with further thinking you'll realize, Its all to no avail.
This too will end.