
Retrospection On My Recent Imbalanced Emotional Outbursts

Well it all started with a thread on the newest car to come from the factory of Proton: The Gen.2.

It's a beautiful car, and like any car that comes out of Malaysia, some Malaysians are critical of it like they're professional car critics all of a sudden. Believe me, my only complaint of my countrymen is that they complain too much.

There was one guy on the thread in question saying it would shameful to push the new car when it's out of order. To which I said to be shameful is only a state of mind and I related an incident which I helped watch a guy push his BMW. That was somehow taken offence, and I was accused by the guy that said it was shameful to push a car as not using my brain.

As someone who has made the sport of mental gymnastics his life pursuit, of course I took offence. If he said that I didn't used my brain to the best of potential, like saying "Your stupid!", it's okay by me. I might even agree if he made clear to me the points showing proof of my ignorance.

So as any respected man who try to use his brain to the fullest, I make it clear to the online forum the proof I am using my brain: The existence of the post itself. I even stated the neural pathways of the brain to the spine to the nerves of my fingers to try make it clear that without the use of my brain, my post would be unintelligible. So the post with it's careful grammar, punctuation and proper meaning, mean that indeed, I've used my brain making that post.

And furthermore, the enraged poster even try to pull of a 'Hunter S. Thompson' effect by capitalizing the last word of his post. The word "FAHAM!!!" (UNDERSTAND!!! for you non-Malay speaker)was used. But I suspect the person have even heard of The Man. This post that enraged me, broken the part 'C' of the forum's rules and regulation in particular the part that prohibits the provocation among members.

But then, after my answer, another poster said that I was being emotional. Well maybe it because of the 100+ word countering the mention of me not using my brain.

Well, me writing here shows and proves that my imbalanced emotional outburts exists.

I'm wearing contacts and my eyes are dry. Here are some link to free Novell Linux stuff ->click


Lonely Saturday.

In the rays of the morning sun.
Her face shone like a glass jar of honey.
Knowledge of sweetness without tasting.
To taste is to sully the purity with dirtied hands.

Hanging to her chandelier earrings was me.
Grasping to the edge of sanity.

Warm me, Sun!
Banish this cold feeling.

Fail me not, Memory!
For I want to remember this face.
And for me to fathom why?

She had a big ass too. w00t!
Now wait a minute...
I never talked to her.
Never knew her name.
Never knew where she lived.

Depressing and lonely, again.


I Saw Tech TV's Cat Schwartz Topless. The Truth.

Search on the web if your interested. I not going to further add to the coruption of your ever decadent mind.
Why worry? Live and let live. Or am I just lying to myself?


It's Official: Goat!

Failure becomes me. Aye...

I'll try again, better.

A Goat Goes To The Abattoir, A Parasoldier Stands Astride The Jump Door.

Which am I?

All smiling I await my test.
Deep inside I say I can. But do I have the reality yet.

I am trying my best at not thinking about the test. I'll guess we'll see.


Not Realy Nice This... Day.

It's not so good today. Tommorow will be test day.

Not Good, Not Good.



Going to be an examination on Tuesday. Slightly unprepared.

I imagine a short story being linked here in the future. Wait.

The bodies of women in the city is as abundant as the wild flowers in the mountains. Both are beautiful in it's own way. Human are objects too.

I pitied the cat...


Must... Have more.... Memory

I need to bring files from class.

I need a thumbdrive.

I don't have any money.

My short term memory is failing me.

KL this morning was hazy. The crisp air made it look like a painting which the painter forgot the background. I heard the pigeons taunting me, "Look who had to come early so he wouldn't late for class. Hehe." I thought of squab while munching on my Curry Samosa. Did you know if your optimistic your live twenty years longer?...


Living With the Pain

The toothache concerted it's best effort to topple me from control of my life today. I slept during lunch. And woke during examination practice, imagine the nervousness and you still haven't got it.

I'm lucky that I've got The Coral to sail me through the storm. I wonder maybe the toothache is really because of a growing wisdom tooth. It's only preventing me from achieving wisdom.

I've got to embrace this pain and accept my fate. And remember not to bite using this darn tooth.

Someone said that my walk during sunrise is too sentimental. I really like to believe I'm not the only one experiencing a beautiful occasion.

Yeah, and Magic and Medicine works...


The Big Ball of Fire

Came to the city too early today, early enough to see the sunrise. There's something peaceful about walking in semi-light of dusk, while there was no cars on the streets. It was nice seeing all those colours with crows as soundtrack.

Yesterday, I got my hand on those MCSE course books. My hands hurt - those books are heavy.

Someone said living beautiful means being a slacker. A beautiful thing achieves it's purpose, something that does not, is just Ugliness in disguise.


Terminal Toothache

I have this incessant toothache, it's my right bottom molar. It had a cavity but I got it filled a fortnight ago. As it was a government clinic, it only cost me RM 3 (US$ 0.75). I suspect the respites I have on rare occasions from this pain, are just my neural networks ignoring the input.

My concentration in class is going awry, but I think the internet access I have at the desk don't help either.

I made my mind yesterday that I would pursue beauty in everything I do. A beautiful life, death and everything else. Now if I only know the Way...